Introducing The Amazing Compact Disc | 1982 | Retro vintage 80s technology
Remember the time when compact disk appeared for the first time; it was precisely March 8, 1979. CDs once conquered the world by storm. Floppy disks or cassettes have been almost entirely displaced, and gramophone records survived only thanks to audiophiles willing to sacrifice comfort and durability in favor of musical nuances. Capacious, resistant, and space-saving – compact discs have been simplified and ubiquitous for a long time. However, the development of the Internet, the ability to store data in the cloud and streaming services were the next step in data storage, thus limiting the use of optical disks. It may seem that CD shared the fate of floppy disks and cassettes, but not. Although we use cloud computing, SSDs, and HDDs, compact discs still used and developed because they offer benefits unavailable for other solutions.