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Graphene bolometers

Graphene bolometers

Graphene bolometers can alter the field of quantum computing. A new detector measuring energy with accuracy and speed has been developed. It could help in the development of quantum computers. Modern quantum computers work by measuring the energy of qubits. There are problems with taking measurements:
These measurements require extensive voltage amplification circuits, which limits the scalability of quadratic systems.
Too much energy is used.
The measures introduce quantum noise that accumulates the wrong reading from the qubit.
Experts hope that the bolometer will solve all these problems. Ongoing bolometers for quantum technology will read qubit information. The latest bolometer that can be used in quantum computers is made of graphene.

Ransomware attacks

Ransomware attacks

Ransomware attacks are not improving at all; on the contrary, according to statistics, they are growing every moment and are very disturbing. Most of us ask ourselves what to do if we fall victim to an attack, pay or maybe not! As for me, I always advise against paying the ransom; it is my principle. If anyone asked me about it, my answer is NO! However, it is each decision.
Why I don’t recommend paying the ransom:
1) If you pay, criminals will be apparent that you are ready to pay and recover your data now and in the future. Remember, an attack can always repeat itself.
2) We can never be sure that our information will be fully returned to us and that it will not be used on the black market. You have no certainty, no guarantee. 
3) By paying, you expand the chain of attacks and expose similar industries to attacks. Criminals watch the sectors that pay, and the wheel is spinning. Remember about others.
Secure your data in advance, and you will not have to ask yourself – To pay or not to pay!

The virus can manipulate

The virus can manipulate

The virus can manipulate the results of CT scans, which can add or remove cancerous tumors.
Israeli specialists point out the poor security of medical equipment and networks. The virus they created manipulated the images taken using computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging so that false neoplastic tumors appeared on them. The malware was also able to remove actual tumors and abnormalities from the images. In both cases, this type of attack can have severe consequences for the patient. Infections are most often caused by accessing and connecting to hospital equipment via a cable or the internet. The Israelis discovered that many hospital networks are either directly connected to the Internet, or that the hospital has a device that can access both the Internet and the hospital’s internal network.

The Tiger Lake 8-core chips

The Tiger Lake 8-core chips

The Tiger Lake 8-core chips are realistic and will be rolled out over time. It is undoubtedly an architectural breakthrough with Core 11. The approximate premiere of processors is not known. Intel already boasts that the new seriesof 4-core CPUs can offer better performance than AMD’s Renoir 8-core APU. The 8-core Tiger Lake chips should include Core i7 and i9 processors. Better performance will pay for a higher TDP. Probably at 45 W. We will have to wait for more details.

Strong passwords

Strong passwords

Internet users still use the same well-worn phrases and very predictable alphanumeric patterns. Nowadays, new programs and services require creating strong passwords, but even many sites allow you to use short and easy to guess phrases. Simple passwords do not fool hackers, who are well aware that millions of people use them.
Let’s try to create strong passwords that are hard to crack. Therefore, we should completely forget about simple strings and common words. The key to success is making a long-phrase let say 12 characters. You can use a series of existing words but arrange in an illogical order. It is also worth using different passwords for different websites.

A technology that allows data to be transferred between microwaves and light.

A technology that allows data to be transferred between microwaves and light.

At Alberta University, physicists have developed a technology that allows data to be transferred between microwaves and light. This technology will enable it to be used in quantum computers and secure communication systems. The new technology works thanks to the strong between microwaves and atomic gas. Microwaves are modulating using an acoustic that encodes information within them. The modulation passes through the gas is sampled with the light, and thus the information from the microwave, via the gas, is transferred to the light. The difference in wavelength between microwaves and light is as much as 50,000. Sending a signal between them is not easy, but they proved, and they succeeded.

Internet technologies – Cars

Internet technologies – Cars

Cars connected to the Internet online are a future from which there is no turning back, and as you can see, the number of vehicles on the roads is growing.

Internet technologies are to improve the comfort and safety of traveling. However, not everything seems hassle-free and safe, as online connected cars can be a threat. It is possible to hack an unlimited number of vehicles, which gives cybercriminals excellent access to paralyze entire cities and kill innocent people. The credibility of the information is supported by data from Upstream Security, which indicates that the number of cybersecurity incumbents is increasing, including those committed by hackers such as keyless attacks or taking control of cars.

Google’s supercable

Google’s supercable

A considerable investment is being prepared, which is being made by an American concern. The infrastructure investment assumes location at the bottom of the ocean connecting North America with Europe; this is to support cloud services. Intercontinental optical fiber is expected to run from the New York coast to Great Britain and Spain. The investment is related to the launch of another Google Cloud region in Spain. According to Techcrunch, it will be the fourth cable owned by Google. The giant has submarine Curie cables that connect the US with South America, the Dunant connecting the United States with France, and Equiano, which is located between Europe and Africa. Overall, Google announced the investment of 15 different undersea connectors.