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MonitorMinor app is a Stalkware lurking in Google Playstore

MonitorMinor app is a Stalkware lurking in Google Playstore

Are there any applications whose only task is to spy on the user? Yes – until recently, these were still widely available programs on Google Play. Anyone could download and install them on the victim’s phone. What’s more, these applications concealed their presence and could be used to spy on the user.

Over half of organisations expect remote workers to increase the risk of a data breach

Over half of organisations expect remote workers to increase the risk of a data breach

A large percentage of employees working remotely use for business purposes for their own mobile devices, including a laptop, telephone, or tablet. And vice versa: business equipment is often used for private purposes. All this makes it challenging to protect company data and increases the risk of losing sensitive information.

7 Steps to Avoid the Top Cloud Access Risks

7 Steps to Avoid the Top Cloud Access Risks

The main reason for most cases of cloud data leaks are not software bugs or hackers – it’s mostly the administrators who forget to set up security or do it wrong. Following a few rules will minimize the risk of such incidents, regardless of whether you use Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform.