UK the second most targeted country when it comes to cyberattacks

UK the second most targeted country when it comes to cyberattacks

As a result of unauthorized access to confidential data, vast amounts of stored data are lost or stolen every day. The stakes are high, so nowadays, as never before, it is essential to take care of data security, and thus also of the company’s property.

How Nanotechnology Will Disrupt Cybersecurity

How Nanotechnology Will Disrupt Cybersecurity

The benefits of using nanotechnology will be an increase in the quality of operation, with a substantial simultaneous reduction in the level of costs. Nanotechnology is expected to improve the performance of existing applications, and it will lead to the emergence of new products and solutions such as cybersecurity in the future.



Fifteen years ago, the user made an average of 1 mobile operation per day, but already in 2018, there were 70 times a day. It is estimated that by 2023, 100 million new applications will be created in the EMEA region. The pace of change is so fast that companies performing digital transformation are reaching the state of so-called digital deadlock. Unfortunately, there are problems, obstacles whose changes begin to slow down or even stop. Excess information makes it increasingly difficult to deal with them. What do you think about it ?

Researchers Make Decryptor For ThiefQuest Ransomware Publicly Available

Researchers Make Decryptor For ThiefQuest Ransomware Publicly Available

Malicious software for Mac computers encrypts files on compromised systems. It is improved ransomware. It also allows, in addition to encryption, to steal data and take full control of the infected device. Initially, it was called EvilQuest. It was later renamed ThiefQuest to avoid confusion because EvilQuest is the name of the video game. Security researcher Patrick Wardle noticed that the installers are not signed, and macOS warns against opening them. Unfortunately, there is a large group that ignores system warnings and installs malware.

The Enemy Within: How Insider Threats Are Changing

The Enemy Within: How Insider Threats Are Changing

Home offices with additional extensions and a tactical shift to the cloud created a completely different world for enterprises’ security. Companies share all their information with a distributed remote workforce while blocking the most sensitive information. Thanks to this, the number of potential bad actors ready to attack increases.

Helping Remote Workers Overcome Remote Attacks

Helping Remote Workers Overcome Remote Attacks

Cybercrime is still evolving; cybercriminals are developing and carrying out increasingly sophisticated attacks also using artificial intelligence. The most frequently chosen are fearful and inexperienced victims. One should not be afraid because we are not helpless. It is essential to practice good cyber hygiene, keep up with the latest threat information, and implement recommendations to become more robust and more agile.