Fake ransomware decryptor installs additional ransomware

Fake ransomware decryptor installs additional ransomware

According to Michael Gillespie ransomware hunter, we have a big problem, namely the decryptor. Recently, the decryptor has become very popular, which is used as a solution for STOP Djvu infusion, unfortunately instead it exposes victims to further ransomware attacks. It turns out that the software is exceptionally ubiquitous and infects a large group of people every day.


What, Why, and How of Cybersecurity Asset Management

What, Why, and How of Cybersecurity Asset Management

Nowadays, cybersecurity is not just a simple technological threat that will be dealt with by a qualified IT department. Violation of cybersecurity has a devastating effect on your organization’s functioning and, by the way, costs you millions. It can also have far-reaching effects on your reputation and brand long after it occurs. IT solutions cannot be adopted or implemented nonsensically. For cyber strategies to work correctly on the enterprise and its functions, a symbiosis between people and technology is necessary. As part of a holistic approach to cybersecurity, we should assess all potential cyber threats – from people, through the capital, to technology – to make sure that the company is aware of the risk and takes all necessary steps to mitigate them.
