Mark I

Mark I

In my articles, I wrote about ENIAC and EDVAC; computers were created during World War II at the universities of Pennsylvania and Princeton.

Another place where work on computing machines was known to us was Harvard. The Mark I computer or IBM Automatic Sequence Calculator was launched in 1944. The device counted among the first computers in history. Mark I was built from 765 thousand. electromechanical parts, 800 kilometers of wires with 3 million connections, and 3.5 thousand multiprocessor relays. The machine was 16 m long and 2.5 m high, weighing over 4.5 tonnes. It was the largest electromechanical calculator. It had 60 sets of 24 switches for manual data entry, each of which stored 72 registers with 23 digits. He read the instructions from perforated paper tapes. For the first time in a counting machine, the data memory is separated from the program memory.

Operation Overtrap Campaign Uses Bottle Exploit Kit and Cinobi Trojan to Steal Banking Credentials

Operation Overtrap Campaign Uses Bottle Exploit Kit and Cinobi Trojan to Steal Banking Credentials

A new campaign was discovered called Operation Overtrap, which steals banking credentials. The campaign uses three different attack vectors and spreads a host of Bottle exploits and a new banking Trojan called Cinobi.

Cisco Talos experts discovered tens of flaws in WAGO products that expose controllers and human-machine interface (HMI) panels to remote attacks.

Cisco Talos experts discovered tens of flaws in WAGO products that expose controllers and human-machine interface (HMI) panels to remote attacks.

The device of the German company WAGO specializing in electrical and automation solutions has about 30 security holes. The vulnerabilities affect the programming of controllers, touch panels.

Advanced Russian Hackers Use New Malware in Watering Hole Operation

Advanced Russian Hackers Use New Malware in Watering Hole Operation

Four websites were attacked with undocumented malware fragments in Armenia. Downloader and backdoor were used in the waterhole operation assigned to the Russian threat group Turla. All the action on Armenian websites began at the beginning of 2019.

-Consular section of the Embassy of Armenia in Russia

– Ministry of Nature Conservation and Natural Resources of the Artsakh Republic

– Armenian Institute of International Affairs and Security

– Armenian Deposit Guarantee Fund

Hackers added malicious JavaScript code, which comes from the external source “skategirlchina.Com,” which can collect fingerprints.

New Variants of Rowhammer and Speculative Execution Attacks Pique Researchers’ Interest

New Variants of Rowhammer and Speculative Execution Attacks Pique Researchers’ Interest

After the disclosed Rowhammer attack in 2014, software and hardware patches added the design of modern RAM cards. Unfortunately, after discovering a new vulnerability, millions of devices are still vulnerable. Memory cards are used on Google, LG, OnePlus, and Samsung smartphones.

The vision

The vision

There’s another world around the corner. There is no guarantee whether it will be better, but yes, it will be different. Autonomous cars or robots will be closer to us and will begin to accompany us almost unnoticed in everyday life. Let listen to music, which brightens the vision. 🙂

njRAT Trojanizes Hacking Tools in Widespread Campaign to Conduct DDoS Attacks and Steal Sensitive Data

njRAT Trojanizes Hacking Tools in Widespread Campaign to Conduct DDoS Attacks and Steal Sensitive Data

According to the researchers, versions of the malware are published almost every day. A widespread campaign in which attackers tronize hacker tools with the help of njRAT and use it for everything they think is worth it, i.e. carry out attacks or steal data. It is a very common case of the hacker world to infect tools.

Durham City, North Carolina Hit by Ransomware Attack

Durham City, North Carolina Hit by Ransomware Attack

Another ransomware attack mutilated cities and violated telephone networks. This time it fell on the city of Durham, North Carolina. For the first time, the city experienced an attack and a phishingattack. Access to the DCI network for the Durham Police Department has been temporarily disabled. The case is ongoing, the effects are check and what could leak, causing a future threat to the city.