TrickBot Malware Targets Italy in Fake WHO Coronavirus Emails

TrickBot Malware Targets Italy in Fake WHO Coronavirus Emails

In the era of the spread of coronavirus, hackers use human fear, especially now in Italy, where they steal information using TrickBot malware. Particularly noteworthy is the new spam campaign, which they impersonate by email from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Virgin Media database holding 900,000 customer info exposed to hackers

Virgin Media database holding 900,000 customer info exposed to hackers

VirginMedia announced that hackers had access to a wealth of customer information, including names, email, addresses, phone numbers and customer contact details, while the database has been exposed to hackers for 10 months.

Download this update from Oh, sorry, that was malware on a hijacked sub-domain. Oops

Download this update from Oh, sorry, that was malware on a hijacked sub-domain. Oops


The Windows giant has consented to hundreds of subdomains named,,, and to fall into the hands of villains through which they can extort information and spread malware. Be careful, don’t do anything quickly, think about it, and, above all, read. Don’t trust the link Don’t download an Edged. If informs you to change your password, do not change. Microsoft has loose security that will expose you to considerable damage.

Joseph-Marie Jacquard

Joseph-Marie Jacquard

While searching for interesting information about computers, as usual on Thursday, I came across a person of a French weaver, a constructor of weaving machines, and later turned out to be a revolutionary inventor. Joseph-Marie Jacquard constructed a net binding machine. However, his greatest achievement was the improvement of the loom in 1805, where he automatically controlled the layout of the thread and thread warp by writing code on the peripheral tape. These cards were the first in history to be controlled by the machine through a program. His invention was later used for catarines, music boxes and was the inspiration for the basics of building the computer by Babbage and Hollerith.

Zero-Day Bug Allowed Attackers to Register Malicious Domains

Zero-Day Bug Allowed Attackers to Register Malicious Domains

Vulnerability zero allowed potential operators to register a domain called homographic .com and .net, thanks to which they can be used in internal, phishing, and social engineering attacks against relevant entities such as Google, Amazon, or DigitalOcean.

Shimon robot

Shimon robot

When I was a young boy, I loved to read science fiction books, where the characters were robots learning at an express pace, stimulated my imagination, and somewhere deep down, I dreamed that I would live in times where the impossible would become possible. ArtificialIntelligence begins to play an essential role in almost every area of life. Like the Shimon robot, but it won’t be an exaggeration call him maestro, virtuoso, artist, vocalist, songwriter, composer. After seven years of learning texts or genres of hip-hop, jazz, and rock music, today, he can create music and begin to have crowds of fans. Soon he will go on tour to promote the debut album.