The frightening truth behind free mobile VPN apps

The frightening truth behind free mobile VPN apps

These days our phones are more used as a personal computer. The #Internet is more widespread through mobile services than a machine. The phone user thinks about privacy on the Internet, hence the great interest in installing a VPN on the device. Online activities must be less visible, but it is not entirely clear how private their data will be.

Microsoft Exchange Server Vulnerability: Mass Scanning Starts as Exploit Details Land

Microsoft Exchange Server Vulnerability: Mass Scanning Starts as Exploit Details Land


The Microsoft Exchange Server version has a severe vulnerability that allows attackers to reveal or distort e-mail on a massive scale. If the gap remains unpatched within 30 days, it will be exploited by bad actors. According to an anonymous security researcher, work is already underway on attacks. The enormity of lateness seems to be enormous; administrators should already start working.

IT Teams Under Fire As They Battle Against Relentless Alert Storms

IT Teams Under Fire As They Battle Against Relentless Alert Storms

IT teams get varied data that contains a large number of false positives and duplicate alerts that need to be screened to solve the problem. During such a massive data flow, there is little opportunity to focus on real issues. IT teams have less time for more critical tasks, and thorough performance checks before customers experience more severe disruptions. A radical change is needed to reduce the IT load.



Atari computers were founded by two friends Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney in 1972. He gained massive popularity with the hearts of customers through the game PONG, created on the machines; the product success was enormous.

With the growing demand for the game, Atari has increased the employment of a large number of people. Unfortunately, the company made the mistake of not patenting the game, which quickly found the interest of people to create fakes. Atari fiercely defended his brand by creating other games, e.g., Breakout. Building a home version of Pong turned out to be a hit, thanks to which the goods disappeared from store shelves at an enormous pace. The players connected the device to the TV and could enjoy the fun previously known only from slot machines. Unfortunately, the company was unable to return to the top producers of gaming equipment in later years. Many say that while it wasn’t bad at the time of competing with the Amiga, the final nail in the casket turned out to be the dominant devices of the time, such as PlayStation, Nintendo 64 and Sega Saturn.

Commentary: Working from home because of the coronavirus? Don’t expect it to be paradise

Commentary: Working from home because of the coronavirus? Don’t expect it to be paradise

China orders people to work from home, it is a real experiment for this country. In general, work from home is becoming more and more popular, according to reports. It turns out that the idea of ​​working from home is not only being enforced in China, but also slowly in Europe and the USA, the fear of Coronavirus is growing.

One of the most common and damaging phishing techniques is easy to avoid

One of the most common and damaging phishing techniques is easy to avoid

The first line of defense against phishing is spam filtering. The spam filter blocks the message before reaching the inbox. If we get a suspicious e-mail, e.g., from our bank, it is better not to click on the links or attachments, but to enter the given website address manually in the search engine. Equally suspect errors in the spelling of the URL or the body of the message – for example, instead of the letter “O” appears the number “0”. It is also worth updating the browser regularly and using the correct security.

Experts discovered a new critical remote code execution vulnerability in the OpenSMTPD that could allow hacking email servers running BSD or Linux.

Experts discovered a new critical remote code execution vulnerability in the OpenSMTPD that could allow hacking email servers running BSD or Linux.

Attackers can get full control over e-mail servers with BSD or Linux operating systems. The vulnerability affects OpenSMTPD client code and is vulnerable to critical remote code execution.