High-risk vulnerabilities and public cloud-based attacks on the rise

High-risk vulnerabilities and public cloud-based attacks on the rise

Unfortunately, threats are growing in high-risk vulnerabilities, in public attacks in the cloud, during the confusion associated with coronavirus bots are spamming more, as well as the latest Citrix error has increased hacker interest. The worst thing is that the precision of cyberattacks, although carried out outside the country, seems to be a local violation.


Microsoft will bring its antivirus software to iOS and Android

Microsoft will bring its antivirus software to iOS and Android

Microsoft giant at the upcoming RSA conference will present plans for anti-virus software Defender for Android and iOS. The company tries to protect its users against phishing attacks. The defender will be part of the company’s platform, but whether it will provide applications to consumers, no details were given.


On the History of EDVAC

On the History of EDVAC

In 1946, Mauchly and Eckert proposed the construction of a new fantastic machine with an automatic electronic computer together with discrete variables called (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer – EDVAC). The concept of the computer project was completed by 1946; unfortunately, several members left the project and took on other tasks. Returned to the machine in 1952, after completion of the work, EDVAC contained approximately 4,000 electron lamps and 10,000 crystal diodes. The 1956 report shows that the trouble-free EDVAC computer operation time was about 8 hours.


Your home PC is twice as likely to get infected as your work laptop

Your home PC is twice as likely to get infected as your work laptop

According to Webroot research, consumer computers are more likely to be infected than business computers. The reason is very simple, consumer computers still use outdated operating systems such as Windows 7 and do not use improved security solutions as businesses do.


Most credential abuse attacks against the financial sector targeted APIs

Most credential abuse attacks against the financial sector targeted APIs

Hackers have made drastic changes trying to bypass security checks when attacking APIs. However, the attacks are not only focused on the API, there are individual attacks on falsification of financial service companies. Criminals pay close attention to the security of financial services, while adapting their attack patterns.


SMBs aren’t doing enough to protect themselves from cyberattacks

SMBs aren’t doing enough to protect themselves from cyberattacks

New research by BullGuard gives alarming data on small businesses and their security. It turns out that the vast majority of small and medium-sized companies do not have a cybersecurity defense plan. Not only is the company vulnerable, but all customers of the company are potential victims of the attack. In the age of extortion and intimidation through cyberattacks by signing any agreement, we should find out how your data will be protected and what company has a security system. Let’s protect ourselves and teach others.


Attackers Target US Critical Infrastructure, CISA Issues Warning

Attackers Target US Critical Infrastructure, CISA Issues Warning

The gas compression factory was attacked via “spearphishing” emails. Unfortunately, the organization did not have adequate segmentation between IT and OT networks. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reported that a ransomware attack forced it to shut down for two days. The most dangerous is that infrastructure providers have still not evolved in transforming threat models to defend themselves against modern attack techniques.
