Group-IB Finds Half a Million Credit Cards of Indian Banks on Darknet

Group-IB Finds Half a Million Credit Cards of Indian Banks on Darknet

Cybersecurity Group-IB has detected that the Indian dark bank has a huge number of payment cards for sale. At risk data is information about the card number, expiry date, CVV / CVC, card holder name, personal data. The attack could probably have been threatened on the Internet by phishing, malicious software or sniffers.

The Malware of the Future Will Be Independent and Adaptable

The Malware of the Future Will Be Independent and Adaptable

Artificial Intelligence covers many different topics and can be used in many different industries. This can be a type of danger. AI in malicious software is a terrifying thought, action is different from Skynet from “The Terminator” there is disturbing tendencies that are harder to identify and stop with AI. The type of this malicious software is adapted to normal existing rules, but unfortunately artificial intelligence allows faster infection of computers and increased attacks.

Hackers Target Massachusetts Police Department Website

Hackers Target Massachusetts Police Department Website

The attack on the police may seem incomprehensible to us, we may feel some fear. Our data should be super protected in such units, and unfortunately they are not.

Police Chief Kevin Bishop of Southwick, Mass announced Thursday that the department’s official website was removed due to an attack by malicious software. The US Army pays hackers for detecting security flaws, but after a failed attempt by Police Chief Kevin Bishop decided to pull the plug.

FBI warns over fresh malware from North Korea

FBI warns over fresh malware from North Korea

HIDDEN COBRA is what the US government calls the malicious actions of North Korea. In the MARs report, the FBI and CISA warn against malware. US agencies have provided organizations with detailed information on the analysis of malicious software, and reports have been issued to help detect and limit the malicious activities of the North Korean government.

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is an American IT specialist, who in 1976, together with Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne, created Apple – one of the most extensive and most expensive valued brands in the world, whose products have impressed and influenced the development of modern technologies around the world. The company is known, among others from the production of MacIntosh computers and electronic devices such as iPod, iPad, or iPhone.

However, their first money Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, earned from the production of so-called blue-boxes. They were small machines designed to cheat the telephone system. At the turn of the 1960s and 1970s, telephone calls were costly. Blue-boxes allowed making long distance calls without paying for them.
A recent phishing scam targeted Puerto Rico’s Industrial Development Company.

A recent phishing scam targeted Puerto Rico’s Industrial Development Company.

An email-based phishing scam has attacked the Industrial Development Company of Puerto Rico. According to data, phishing scams have scammed over $ 2.6 million from a government agency. As I wrote earlier, strikes increasingly targeted at the industry sector.

Apps Remain Favorite Mobile Attack Vector

Apps Remain Favorite Mobile Attack Vector

Pradeo Labs researchers have found that 80% of attacks are carried out via mobile devices. Cybercriminals use our applications to break into the network. The Enterprise Mobile Threat Landscape report says that 10% of 50,000 Android devices use zero-day malware and known malicious software – 3,890. Be careful of tight and intrusive applications through which unwanted actions are hosted from internal libraries.

How Big Companies Spy on Your Emails

How Big Companies Spy on Your Emails

Edison email app, confirms that it processes user data, but some users had no idea that when using the application, the company scrapers the inbox for profit. The Motherboard presented the declarations of two popular Cleanfox and Slice applications that sell products to corporate customers via email. Edison did not respond to any comments, obscuring the company’s privacy policy, “Edison accesses and processes emails on any connected email accounts and data collected from other online accounts that you link.” Users are disappointed that the confidential documents obtained by the Motherboard inform about the types of companies that want to buy data from scraping the contents of the inbox.