Police Warning: Cyber Criminals Are Using Cleaners to Hack Your Business

Police Warning: Cyber Criminals Are Using Cleaners to Hack Your Business

Watch out for cleaning companies, criminal gangs put people in the painting, decorating, and cleaning firms; scammers must have access to the building outside of business hours. CISO reports that in the last few years, cybercriminals have expanded their organization. Fraudsters can go through the verification and recruitment process to get to your company.


A closer look at the global threat landscape

A closer look at the global threat landscape

IBM reports in a new report that 60% of victims’ initial access to the network is either using previously stolen data or access through known software vulnerabilities, allowing attackers to rely on fraud with ease of access. Unfortunately, the amount of data on it today estimates that cybercriminals are getting more keys to our homes or businesses.


Microsoft Addresses Active Attacks, Air-Gap Danger with 99 Patches

Microsoft Addresses Active Attacks, Air-Gap Danger with 99 Patches

Microsoft announced the release of the most substantial Tuesday patch update for the shortest month of the year. The update includes an amendment regarding the vulnerability to zero-day memory corruption. Ninety-nine vulnerabilities have been fixed in various products, critical and rated vulnerabilities still exist.


Altice USA Hit By Email Scam Leaking Thousands of Employees’ and Customers’ Data

Altice USA Hit By Email Scam Leaking Thousands of Employees’ and Customers’ Data

The phishing scam hit the US insurance company Altice USA Inc.; the violation resulted in leakage of social security numbers, birth dates, and other personal information of employees and customers. The cable and Internet service provider Optimum was also a victim.


Your email provider might be selling your personal data

Your email provider might be selling your personal data

Edison, CleanFox, and Slice email applications have been accused of selling information from inboxes. Users say they were unaware of selling the data. However, Edison’s privacy policy says that it “processes” users’ email data. Did users not read the Edison policy thoroughly? The collected data has been sold to companies such as e-commerce, finance, travel, and others.


Ransomware Actors Targets Police Department in Miami, Demand Millions in Ransom

Ransomware Actors Targets Police Department in Miami, Demand Millions in Ransom

A ransomware attack carried out at the North Miami Beach Police Department. The infection detected at the beginning of the week. IT police staff immediately turned off infected computers and began working with the FBI. The attackers demanded a considerable amount to pay. Law enforcement agencies do not support paying; they have even advised against cooperating with attackers this way for years. It would help if you reacted promptly and sharply to the issues of blackmail. I think we live in a world that hackers are starting to earn more from us. Racketeering is more and more cunning; we cannot give up.


Credential exposure report: Poor password habits still pose a serious threat

Credential exposure report: Poor password habits still pose a serious threat

The problem with passwords is enormous, most users use the same password on many accounts, from personal to business ones. The situation is ubiquitous and difficult to eliminate. Awareness of danger in this sector seems to be negligible. Research shows that 94% of people used the same slogan, and only 6% made little change. Password strength and otherness are fundamental in terms of self and company security. As for now, most passwords are ordinary texts that can easily be hacked.


Emotet trojan evolves to spread via WiFi connections

Emotet trojan evolves to spread via WiFi connections

At present, Emotet Trojan is the biggest threat of malware. His aggressiveness has increased over the years. Until now, Emotet was limited and operated only on computers and servers on the same network. However, security researchers have published that the Emotet module may, in some circumstances, overcome the WiFi vulnerability to other nearby systems. The new WiF module is spreading due to weak user passwords, but also opens a new vector that infects companies. The range is increasing.
