Don’t Fall For The PayPal SMS Scam That Steals Your Personal Details

Don’t Fall For The PayPal SMS Scam That Steals Your Personal Details

The scammers have created two sites similar to the original PayPal site and sent users a link to one of them. Websites were designed to develop a sense of urgency to convey information to recipients. It is important not to get pulled into phishing very detailed information such as your password, address, or phone number.

This latest phishing scam is spreading fake invoices loaded with malware

This latest phishing scam is spreading fake invoices loaded with malware

Emotet launched its attacks as a banking Trojan, transforming itself into a botnet, then criminals leased it to process malicious programming. Emotet delivered two-thirds of malicious payloads last year as part of phishing attacks. Malware does not slow down, and strikes were targeted at financial services, the food industry, the media, and transport. The strength of the attacks is enormous in the US, UK, and attempts have been recently made to the Philippines, Spain, and India.

Attacks on industrial installations

Attacks on industrial installations

Hackers operate without any hesitation; this time, attacks on industrial installations are prevalent. The Dragos company informs about a hazardous malware called Ekans or Snake. Malware is prepared to attack industrial systems, encrypt stored files. After encryption, the name changes (has a new extension), then the hackers a ransom demand. Data protection is significant; one way is to segment the ICS systems from the rest of the network; the other way is to back up systems and store them offline.

What is a Zero-Day Vulnerability and How Can It Impact Businesses?

What is a Zero-Day Vulnerability and How Can It Impact Businesses?

A zero-day vulnerability or exploit cannot be detected because it ceases to be zero-day when detected. For this reason, they pose a serious threat. However, we are not completely deprived of combat tools. There are anti-virus programs that can detect zero-day vulnerabilities and exploits through algorithms that track behavioral patterns.