Linus Torvalds

Linus Torvalds

Linus Torvalds is a Finnish programmer whose work has been of great importance for the development of free software. During his free time, he used a home computer, and the inspiration to create Linux was the educational MINIX system. In 1991 the first version of Linux was created. In 2012 Torvalds was honored with the Millennium Technology Prize by Technology Academy Finland.

The time I sabotaged my editor with ransomware from the dark web.

The time I sabotaged my editor with ransomware from the dark web.

This article presents the brutal truth of our internet world. In the article, you will discover the cruel truth or how vast amounts of money earned through the internet”. Unfortunately, due to our irrational approach, we get into significant trouble, from which it is sometimes difficult to recover important information, and it also happens that recovering stolen money or data is impossible. Our naivety and quick decision making is a serious problem. You may not have attacked today, but who knows what it can bring tomorrow. Everyone is a proportional victim to cybercriminals. Let say your credit card numbers and bank account may already be stolen today. When you are shopping online without checking the claims, it is an easy way to fall into the trap. At any time, fraudsters can attack e-mail servers, databases, police incident reporting systems, and shipping centers. Various institutions, from businesses to hospitals, can become victims. The scale of Ransomware victims is increasing. The power of earning money on the internet is growing, the number of cybercriminals is rising, and it is only up to us how large this shameful and bizarre problem will spread.

43% of cloud databases are currently unencrypted

43% of cloud databases are currently unencrypted

Spring 2020 has begun to investigate the threat of cloud 42; the problem is quite severe because wrong cloud configurations occur too often. It seems that the problem is in automating the organization’s infrastructure creation processes. Creating new code templates (IaC) without the help of appropriate tools and security processes creates security holes.

Coronavirus Phishing Attack Infects US, UK Inboxes

Coronavirus Phishing Attack Infects US, UK Inboxes

The world is fighting the Wuhan Coronavirus virus; people are trying to protect against infection. Cybercriminals cunningly trick our naivety and fear by sending us ads or other information about virus security measures that threaten our data. Preying on our panic, they send phishing messages and drive us into even greater fear and problems.

The Goldilocks principle for zero trust fraud prevention

The Goldilocks principle for zero trust fraud prevention

The framework of zero trust is widely spread in companies; basic concepts are the goal of preventing fraudsters in industries such as insurance, finance, and commerce. Lack of confidence shows the level of risk based on a combination of a source device or a target system. The problem for many companies is the lack of fraud prevention, where a preview taken by the zero trust framework would assess each interaction for risk.

Altair 8800

Altair 8800

Ed Roberts passed away at the age of 66 by Bill Gates, and Paul Allen called the father of personal computers. Roberts to create Altaria inspired the computer Mark 8 with the first 8-bit processor in the world: Intel 8008. The diagram of this computer was described in the magazine, which contributed to Robert’s vision. Altair8800 was the first personal computer in the world that strongly interested the average person and aroused great interest and emotions. Mark 8 was only for hardcore electronics fans; its assembly was extremely complicated. Altair 8800 was for everyone. It was attracted by the low price of the computer itself and components, e.g., the low price of the processor. Sales increased, even for Roberts himself it was a surprising amount of purchases, the number of produced sets of components and people to receive orders began to be short. The crew was increased, and Altair sold very well. Looking from our perspective, Altari was very different from today’s computers; above all, the lack of a keyboard, it was a crude box with red lights shining like Christmas tree lights. However, as the real programmer says, no keyboard is needed, programming looked like entering commands triggered by setting switches. Very interesting and so different from our computers.