Active DirectoryBeing Targeted By Malware Called TrickBot

Active DirectoryBeing Targeted By Malware Called TrickBot

Malicious software of TrickBot was not entirely perceived as the most dangerous threat, however its functions allowed attacking Active Directory databases. Domain administrators must be very careful when accessing Active Directory, especially for hackers who have access to directories where password hashes, computer names, groups and many other confidential data are stored.

Layering diverse defenses is crucial for stopping email attacks

Layering diverse defenses is crucial for stopping email attacks

It is very important for companies to organize trainings that will make it easier for employees to pay attention to errors that most often get through by email. A priority issue is to direct employees’ attention to detecting spelling errors, bad links or inconsistent email addresses.

Marvin Lee Minsky

Marvin Lee Minsky

Marvin Lee Minsky was an American cognitive scientist. Marvin was one of the few people in the computer world whose visionary revolutionized thinking about the computer. He was fascinated by the intelligence and thinking of man from college. From the early 1950s, he developed computational concepts, delved into human psychological processes, from which he consequently created the theory of how to equip machines with intelligence. In 1959 he initiated the MIT Artificial Intelligence Project. Marvin Lee Minsky was a co-founder of the AI laboratory at MIT. His colleague John McCarthy was a co-creator of the term ‘artificial intelligence’.

Avast shuts down Jumpshot after data-selling controversy

Avast shuts down Jumpshot after data-selling controversy

Avast will liquidate its subsidiary from Jumpshot, which sold data to external clients including technology giants such as Microsoft and Google, as well as large brands such as Pepsi and Home Depot. Although Jumpshot days are numbered, unfortunately Avast will need time to regain customer confidence. A security company may probably face an investigation into the collection of user data. In my opinion, if there is anything for free, it does not have enough qualifications to operate our devices especially protect our data.

Critical RCE & Spoofing Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Azure Cloud Let Hackers Compromise Microsoft’s Cloud Server

Critical RCE & Spoofing Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Azure Cloud Let Hackers Compromise Microsoft’s Cloud Server

Researchers found a vulnerability in Azure Stack Spoofing, while some request has not been verified. Checkpoint researchers noticed the SSRF gap when they were deeply diving in the Azure cloud. Attackers who manage to get through can exploit the vulnerability to take a screenshot and extract confidential information from a cloud-based computer.