he Babbage Engine

he Babbage Engine

Charles Babbage, an English mathematician and IT pioneer, designed an analytical machine that operated on a principle similar to that of digital computers. The machine was able to remember the basic mathematical operations. The implementation of the activities was to be carried out on pre-punched cards. Unfortunately, due to the then low technical level, the project was not implemented. In 1991, at the ScienceMuseum in London, according to the original plan, a fragment (arithmometer) of the Second Differential Machine was made, and the machine’s efficiency and correctness were proved.

Data breaches, privacy concerns and government pressure turn up the heat for cybersecurity experts

Data breaches, privacy concerns and government pressure turn up the heat for cybersecurity experts

Usenix Enigma has revealed constant concerns about offensive use of tracking devices such as cell phones that allegedly “anonymous data” are not anonymous at all.


New ‘CacheOut’ Attack Leaks Data from Intel CPUs, VMs and SGX Enclave

New ‘CacheOut’ Attack Leaks Data from Intel CPUs, VMs and SGX Enclave

A modern Intel processor built before October 2018, works against the computer. It is possible that it is vulnerable to detected hardware problems that allow attackers to have access to confidential data from the operating system kernel, including Intel’s secure SGX enclave.


Managed Private Cloud-as-a-Service.

Managed Private Cloud-as-a-Service.

Cisco and IBM have teamed up to develop a service called Managed Private Cloud-as-a-Service. Cisco will support the service through a hardware platform. Information indicates that it will be available in two variants. The first Managed Private Cloud-as-a-Service will use the VMware development environment, and the second will use OpenShift (RedHat). The agreement is a continuation of cooperation between the two companies that intend to combine their technologies, the goal is to create a platform that allows customers to manage applications running in both local data centers and in hybrid clouds.

By paying, we fuel it

By paying, we fuel it

Ransomware is recently a word that you can often come across in the trade press, on blogs or in news on websites related to these and not related to the IT market. So, when you get attacked by ransomware, don’t panic and pay, remember that there are many other options for recovering your data. By paying, we fuel it, as well as attacks spread to an increasingly larger scale, finding more victims, thanks to the payment of others.