Konrad Zuse

Konrad Zuse

In 1936 German Konrad Zuse created the Z1 counting machine. The following years were devoted to improving the version for Z2, Z3 then Z4. The machines were intended only for military needs. The calculations were performed on numbers recorded in the binary system, i.e. a floating point representation. The machine was controlled by a program recorded on a perforated tape. Instead of mechanical parts, electromagnetic relays were used in the machines. The Z4 was used and operated until the late 1950s.

______________________________________________________________________________Konrad Zuse and his first computer of the world – TV report from 1958 (with subtitles)

Citrix Releases Patches for Critical ADC Vulnerability Under Active Attack

Citrix Releases Patches for Critical ADC Vulnerability Under Active Attack

Cyber Security experts have reported that there are over 15,000 public sensitive Citrix ADC and Gateway servers through which attackers (who are known not to be idle) can exploit and attack potential corporate networks. Citrix introduces security patches for the critical vulnerability of ADC and Gateway. Unfortunately, this process is trifle and the threat is still growing.


Critical, Unpatched ‘MDhex’ Bugs Threaten Hospital Devices

Critical, Unpatched ‘MDhex’ Bugs Threaten Hospital Devices

CyberMDX researchers have discovered ‘MDhex bugs that threaten the operation of medical equipment. Attackers can access personal information about patients’ health. Federal officials issued a statement warning six vulnerabilities that could seriously affect patient and entire database monitoring.


IBM ThinkPad 701C

IBM ThinkPad 701C

The 1990s brought a great boom in laptops and development in this direction. While computing power grew, the power of the mass decreased, which caused the extension of users and gradually laptops became the basic equipment of ordinary users. Companies began to use them, a good laptop meant prestige.