Apple I

Apple I

Apple I was the first device that was sought after by private customers. Equipped with a processor clocked at 1-2 MHz, 4 kB RAM and 1 kB vRAM (it allowed to generate a text mode with 40 columns for 24 lines). It was extremely successful and popular in many homes. Interest in the computer turned out to be so great that the production of 200 pieces was simply not enough, an additional production line was launched. In a short time, the successor appeared, the Apple II, which was equipped with a faster CPU with the possibility of expanding memory to 48 kB.

Three phases of malware defense

Three phases of malware defense

Very important in running your own business is training and making users aware of the dangers and losses associated with ransomware. An important stage is the implementation of the rules for using the software (creating a white list of allowed applications greatly reduces the risk of infection). The next very important step is creating strong and complicated passwords, sharing files and other resources, accessing websites, blocking the default access of activities that are the most common cause of infection – e.g. the possibility of running macros in documents, using a pendrive.