Google cuts off Xiaomi

Google cuts off Xiaomi

Dio the guy from the Netherlands experienced a very strange and embarrassing situation. When he connected to his Xiaomi camera did not see the live image from his point only other places of foreign people. The Google Nest Hub device transferred images from various places from other homes. Google is aware of the problem and are in touch with Xiaomi. As part of security, Google has disabled integration with Xiaomi.

Control Data Corporation CDC 6600

Control Data Corporation CDC 6600

The first desktop computers were created in the 1960s, they were so large that they occupied the entire desk. The supercomputer had high performance, the 3 MHz unit allowed to perform several operations at one time. The device uses freon for cooling and silicon transistors, which indicated an innovative construction design. The sale began in 1964, however, ordinary customers could buy it a year later due to a problem with overheating of components.
First-class citizens

First-class citizens

Connecting various devices at home brings us convenience and satisfaction, but despite so many advantages it is a quick and easy way to attack by hackers. Currently, IoT devices are popular in our market, unfortunately they are very susceptible to hacking. Intelligent toothbrush products, watches, doorbells and speakers are potential threats to our safety.

“Ryuk” Ransomware

“Ryuk” Ransomware

“Ryuk” Ransomware is involved in many attacks that hit organizations, government networks and causes losses of millions of dollars. A recent attack appeared on an object regulated by the MTSA (Morsa Transport Security Act), revealed the American coastguard. Further attacks were noticed on the computers of the state of Massachusetts. In addition, the British National Center for Cyber Security (NCSC) issued a statement about a Ryuk ransomware attack in July.

Time to sum up.

Time to sum up.

The year 2019 ends. Time to sum up. Unfortunately, cyber threat was even more widespread than in previous years. Let me present statistics and facts: – The average cost of breaking into the organization reached USD 150 million. – There is a hacker attack every 39 seconds. – Most cyber attacks affect small businesses (Cybercriminals have noticed that they will gain more profit by attacking organizations that do not attach much importance to IT security, and can store sensitive data such as email addresses and personal data or credit card numbers.) – Ransomware is the king among viruses (2019 definitely belonged to ransomware. 77% of all successful attacks analyzed ended with data encryption and ransom demands) In the US, only 10% of all burglaries have been reported to the authorities. – The largest data leak – 218 million records at Zynga, the creator of popular mobile games. – 90% of cyber attacks result from human errors, often due to oversight, ignorance or lack of awareness of the threat in the organization

James Gosling

James Gosling

James Gosling is a Canadian who was born in 1955, has had many IT successes. He is known as the father of developed basics in Java, and also prepared the first version of the virtual machine. James Gosling is the creator of the implementation of Emacs, his contribution to the construction of NeWS is very well known. In 2007 he was awarded the Order of Canada, he is a member of the National Academy of Engineering.